Race News
・ 5/19 - 1st stage -
・ 5/20 - 2nd stage -
・ 5/22 - 3rd stage -
・ 5/24 - 4th stage -
・ 5/25 - 5th stage -
・ 5/26 - 6th stage -

Flash News
・ 5/18
・ 5/18 - party -
・ 5/19 - 1st stage -
・ 5/20 - 2nd stage -
・ 5/22 - 3rd stage -
・ 5/24 - 4th stage -
・ 5/25 - 5th stage -
・ 5/26 - 6th stage -

[ 2nd stage -NARA- ]
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5/20 -- 11:48  5 laps to go

5/20 -- 11:45  5 laps to go

5/20 -- 11:25  6 laps to go [2nd BestClimber's point]
2nd BestClimber's point
1st No.16 STAFIEJ Kazimierz [MRO]
2nd No.15 NIEDZWIECKI Pawel
3rd No.74 BATES Gene [AUS]

5/20 -- 10:55  8 laps to go
No.122 OKAZAKI Kazuya [NHD]

5/20 -- 10:50  9 laps to go [1st BestClimber's point]
1st BestClimber's point
1st No.16 STAFIEJ Kazimierz [MRO]
2nd No.15 NIEDZWIECKI Pawel [MRO]
3rd No.113 SHIMBO Koki [AIS]

5/20 -- 10:42  START [2nd stage NARA]
2nd stage NARA が、9:00にスタートしました。25.00kmパレード走行後、1周10.10kmの布目ダム周辺周回コースを11周回して争われます。

5/20 -- 09:00  START
2nd stage NARA が東大寺をスタートしました。スタートの模様は後ほどお届けいたします。

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